The ongoing energy crisis is shifting social and political attention to renewable energy with an increasing sense of importance and urgency.
While eight years ago, the former government cut spending on renewables, arguing the costly development plan, the current government with the libertarian finance at the forefront, minister Mrs. Lindner, argues strongly in favor of renewables, calling them “freedom energies”.
He says:
“In doing so, we will not rely on the answers of the past but, on the contrary, continue more resolutely on the path to the future. Renewable energies not only contribute to energy security and supply. Renewable energies free us from dependencies. Renewable energies are therefore energies of freedom. We are committed to freedom energies.”
Thus, the way for renewable energies seems to be on an ever rising path.
The expansion has already been running exceptionally for several years – this year, the gross photovoltaic addition in August within Germany was 561.4 megawatts – that is almost 100 megawatts more than in July.

The German Federal Network Agency reported an increase in photovoltaic installations in the amount of approximately 4000 megawatts that qualified for EEG subsidies.
The rooftop segment is booming – not least with a slightly negative impact on consumers, who now have to wait until March and beyond for an appointment for photovoltaic installation.